Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Inner Reality Check

28/09/09 Here we are cruising through life and everything appears to be fine but you’re looking forward to making some adjustments to your life style to suit your personal comfort zones.
Then out of the blue is a phone call that rocks you to the core.
Someone you love is going through a massive karma adjustment and they are asking you for help. To help means you need to let go of your own comfort zone and give to the loved one all the support you can.
The test is huge on the surface of it all, without going into the details of why.
At first the emotional body reacts and blows everything skew ball. It is here that doing our spiritual exercises bring everything back onto the same page.

The question is about how much of what you have are you will to give up to help another? With much soul searching I decided to let go of my so called security blanket and give it to my loved one.
While this huge wind of change was swirling around us my inner worlds were showing me some of what was going on with the loved one. Because of what I was able to see on the inner I was able to create a place of calm within the storm for myself out here.

I saw what was happening to the loved one on the inner and then I saw what was changing for myself on the inner. With life showing its self to me I knew that this was a test of my ability and willingness to let go and to do so without holding any form of control over the other person or what I was prepared to give up for their well being.

On the inner:
I was staying at a luxury hotel; another person and I had just given a talk to a group of ladies that belong to a group called, The Women's Division.
 Out here this group was set up many years ago to help farming women during times of hardship and need. They would offer to help in any way possible.

On the way to the event room I found myself among a group of people being shown around this huge hotel. There were so many levels to this building. We were being shown around when we walked past this other stair way that branched off from the centre hallway. I decided along with some others to take a look up the stairs. Upstairs we found an empty room. The tour guided asked us to please come down as the only people allowed in that room, were from the House of Lords. (I took this to be Lords of Karma)

After my talk the ladies provided a lovely spread of homemade food. They were good at giving.
I went back into the larger presentation room and this women's division lady said out loud, "She hasn't seen the gifts in front of her" (Her being me) At this point I was able to see a glass shelf like unit filled with wonderful gifts. The glass sparkled with light.

The lady then went on to say and don't forget the Christmas tree behind you.
I turned to my right and sure enough there was a live Christmas tree covered in colourful sparklingly lights.
When I woke up I realised what was going on and why. And later that morning my loved one rung and said they were going to try to work it all out and this meant they didn't need my help only my love and ongoing ear to listen.
In a matter of moments everything changed I had been taken to the edge of my willingness to give up most of what I had to help a loved one, only to find that it wasn't needed after all.
So what is life teachings us?

We will at some point of the journey be taken to the core of our fears be it money, relationships or whatever. Sometimes the test does not need to go full circle because we have come to an agreement and that was what the test was all about. In other words we learnt all we needed to about ourselves to take and accept the test as a gift of love.

Loving HU

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