Thursday, July 28, 2011

Loving Every Point of Resistance

My Inner Journey:

Loving every point of my resistance ~I will only love you more
All is one love as love has always been

~ LOVE ~

One’s golden contract is to meet and greet with unconditional love every point of one's past resistance to living a life completely immersed within the ever flowing river of Divine love

It is to love every past moment with equal measure as all resistance is dissolved in the river of Divine Love
Be it thought, word and deed ♥
I will love you for all that I am ♥ For I am love

This was my inner journey last night:

The test as given to me was to manifest love within every point of my past resistance to being love. I was to become my living word

To be loving is to be forgiving, accepting, compassionate  of all passing through us.

I was to meet those that had caused me to feel a certain way in my past. I realized to be loving that I had to love every part of who I am unconditionally and this meant meeting up with my past pains and hurts.

*I forgive all that may have harmed me and I forgive all that I may have harmed*
May the Blessings Be

Can I love you as you are?
Can you love me for who I am?

There is to be no resistance to the river of love and its eternal flow as all life passes through us.
It is within this loving flow that we are finally free to be unconditional love.

*Love is a transformer of life on all levels ~ All that has been touched by love is forever changed within its mighty flow.
All resistance to the flow of love will in time be cleansed from within our hearts and we will be left to love all life like never before

Soul has chosen a life path for its love to manifest within all of its realities as Soul seeks to know its self, within all that it is within the whole of IT

GOD is LOVE and SOUL is a spark of GOD’s LOVE

Resist me and I will only love you more ♥ HU ♥

I love you life and I thank you for loving me unconditionally for it is within your love that I am now free

Loving HU is Singing HU


 Copyright © 2011 Tryphena Louise Williams

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