Friday, July 29, 2011

An Inner Journey ~The Wild Horses in The Face of Fear

By Tryphena Louise Williams on Tuesday, 30 March 2010

I am SOUL having Its experience via my own self created reality both here and the worlds beyond. All worlds are life expressing its self.

The body it slept so deeply it needed to rest having felt a lack of sleepless nights were starting to have effect on it.

I was on a higher level almost like a landing looking down below me I could see this man who was struggling with his life choices. He had no real home to speak of and had very little to call his own.

All he had he carried with him wherever he went. What he was choosing to hold on too had started to weigh him down. I could see this like weights tied around him. He was a very enlighten Soul I could see this also but he appeared not yet ready to let go of what he was choosing to hang to.

I looked so very loving down at him then in my hand appeared three lead like cards I had to give the cards to him. I said this to him, "These will weigh you down even further".
But within his love he chose to accept the cards that I had to give him.
 The cards were like cards of karma or links if you like *destiny within one mission*

My feeling was this SOUL had the inner strength to know what he needed to do. His total acceptance was his true measure. Love is as always the key

There was this feeling that this SOUL would master all as was given to him because of his ability to love life.

All that he needed to master was to decide what he wanted or was willing to let go of, then he would be free from the load he was holding on to.

This is not about anyone as such, it is a like an example of how we may be feeling sometimes about our life and or our mission within all we have chosen to serve within

Not all chose the high path but this SOUL had made its choice and it was  love that was the measure of gift within.

I then climbed down to the level of the man as I did so a road appeared. At first the road appeared like it had melted in sun. The road appeared like a river of sticky tar.

I didn't want all that tar sticking me to my feet so I hesitated while hearing the voice of fear saying to me. "If you stand in the tar it will stick to you do, you want this?" The answer was.," No I do not."

But I knew in my heart what knew I had do, so I jumped down from where I was only to find the river of tar now appeared like puddle under my feet so I walked but as I walked the puddle suddenly became a deep river that instantly came up to my armpits The voice of fear said me, "You have know idea how deep this water is going to get so you may drown." But the knowing in me knew what it knew and so it chose to keep walking.

Interestingly my clothing now instantly changed and I was wearing a pair of short leg blue overalls the sort that I had worn at high school to do our gym exercises in

I continued my journey I was looking for those who I knew had gone before me. I wanted to find them so I could be with them; the knowing within knew where this was to be.

The water disappeared as quickly as the fear of it was set aside.

My journey continued and I entered this bush, the voice of fear said to me, "Do you want do go in there, you will become lost." but I knew what I knew and entered any way.

I thought I will follow the path which I did only to find the path was removed from my sight. I was alone in this bush not knowing where I was going nor where I was.

The voice of fear constantly tried to holt my process. I thought I will keep going and the path it will reveal its self to me if I keep going and do not halt within the face of my fear of being alone, I was alone on my journey home to God.

I see ahead of me these wild horses they look at me and challenge my right to in here with them.

These horses appeared to be so power with their freedom to roam and do as they pleased.

They all came galloping full tilt up me, I felt trapped, they surrounded me. The fear now thundered inside of me, these horse will they trample me into the ground, will they bite and kick me for daring to enter their land?

Some of horses threw back their heads and pawed at the ground with their hooves while looking directly at me.

I went really quiet and stood very still within the total and complete trust I felt in face of my fear of these wild horses and how they if they so chose could harm me. I felt caged and trapped then the leading horse came up to me, it pushed its head so close to my face, I feel could its breath on my skin, I looked directly into its eyes.

But strangely I did not fear it, it was as if knew who it was to me. The horse opened its mouth and took my right arm into its mouth. I felt the gentle pressure of its loving hold on my arm then the horse it spoke to me with words I knew and yet have still to know..

I cried out, this is because the knowing is now so much apart of whom I AM and yet I still know nothing within it all.

I cannot recall the wisdom the horse spoke to me. But is does not matter for I  know
We all know, we are all same, all that is different, is remembering what we know already

I woke up.
What can I say ?

Love life with all your heart, just love your life, do your spiritual exercises, seek and find Master within you.

Let life become your passion, your hearts desire, it is to let life be all that it is within you.

Surrender your resistance to change and all will change before you you will be as new.

Sing HU with love, just for love, when our hearts love so truly love, then the inner journey home to GOD begins to unfold within the heart of who we are.

So it was a test about facing ones fear. The horses hmm I know who they are to me. They wait for each of us to come to them all in good time they wait so patiently

So it is, this is my life on edge of my reality.
It may not yours but this is the truth that I live by.

Sometimes I wonder within my ever loving heart if in this outer world another could ever dare to live with me and my sometimes ever so challenging reality. Would, could another ever understand me enough to choose to walk along side of me?

I am not sure only love knows the truth

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