Friday, August 12, 2011

Relationships - Harmony and Balance


Relationships - Harmony and Balance

An inner game or training depending on one’s gratitude, attitude, understanding; and or viewpoints.

I feel that this experience is linked to a question that I had been seeking an answer to. Last night I opened a cookie message which is also linked to this experience.

On the inner:
I found myself being asked by this man to stand in front of him on an invisible line that was around his chest height (The heart centre)

I was instructed to stand with both feet side by side. This was easier said than done because as said the line was invisible!!

Your eyes could not see the line but you could feel it with your heart.

To feel the line was to fine tune and master trusting our feelings before deciding which way to go.

Here I may add it is for the good of all, it is to feel our way through our choices.

Our choices cannot always be seen so it is a matter of opening the heart and feeling what feels right for you.

The man was giving me instructions on how to stand in balance and harmony within my lower worlds. The test or game was that the original person or body was to carry the weight of the others as they created the next layer.

You ended up with what may look  like a cheer leader’s pyramid.

How and where you stood created the foundation for your next layer.

One needed to be able to feel what needed to be.

What is the foundation of a good personal relationship with our lower bodies?

This thought also flows into our personal relationships with others be they male or female.

It also applies to the environment that we are serving life in like our work or organisations etc

There are so many words that describe our relationships with all life:









Each of us will have a list of our own personal words.

The test for me was going just fine until I looked down at the man training me.

Looking into his eyes all of a sudden my playful nature couldn't take what I was being asked to do too seriously.

Humour is good for us but there is a time and place for everything.

I was blessed because my teacher had a good sense of humour as well.

There is time for playfulness and time to be 100% up to speed with the game play because others are depending on you.

If you were to stand back for a better look you may see a triangle of layers then another layer going the other way so the symbol looking back at you looks more like a diamond.

For me this is an image of our inner and outer relationship with life. The inner triangle is reflecting in the outer with both, being connected by this fine invisible line called the feelings within our hearts...The heart’s inner most core ...

There is so much more to master when it comes to forming loving relationships with others and indeed all life..

Loving HU is Singing HU

Tryphena L Williams

This is my own personal experience and may not truly reflect the teachings of Eckankar which is my chosen spiritual path as I journey home to GOD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this post

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